Almost every healthy food article I read talks about the importance of getting more fruits and vegetables into your daily nutrition lifestyle. And, the idea of eating organic fruits and vegetables is a frequent recommendation. But, what does “organic” mean in the context of fruits and vegetables? And, does that mean the fruits and vegetables are better or safer? To …
Plant-Based Meats: What You Need to Know
The future of meat may be plant-based. That might sound like an oxymoron, but plant-based meats are a thing. And, they’re becoming ever more popular in grocery stores and restaurants. It’s such a threat to animal-based meat, that Mississippi recently enacted a law that makes it a jail-able offense to call these plant-based meats “burgers!” Who could have predicted that …
Organic, Natural Skincare Products: What You Need to Know
According to popular legend, Juan Ponce de León, one of the famed conquistadors of the late 1400s, traveled to Florida and Puerto Rico in search of the Fountain of Youth. Having been written about in several histories and memoirs, this lore perpetuated to the modern era. The search for a water that would reverse age. Some historians believe Ponce De …