Affiliated with GW Center
for Integrative Medicine
Begin Your Journey
Body-mind-emotions-spirit healing is a whole person, energetic and conscious approach to living life more fully.

About Mara
Mara has always been intrigued by our body-mind-emotions-spirit connections and holistic care. Her passion is in how we can adopt “whole person” care in partnership with the current healthcare system and more importantly with each person.
Over the years, Mara has had the pleasure to train in a variety of healing modalities. She has trained in China with a Qigong Master, with Lokota Shamanic Healers, and combined the spiritual approaches through a wonderful two-year seminary program in interfaith/interspiritual concepts and practices. Mara studied mindfulness with Duke University, and Reiki through the GW Center for Integrative Medicine. She is also trained in reflexology, Healing Touch®, Holy Fire Reiki® and even medical intuitiveness. She is honored to be a practitioner with the GW Center for Integrative Medicine and lead the Reiki program at GW Hospital until COVID.
Prior to forming Four Directions Wellness, Mara enjoyed over 20 years in healthcare leadership. For more details on Mara’s career, please visit her LinkedIn.

Featured in

Integrative Executive Coaching
Seeking executive professional coaching - combining leadership skills with wellbeing and mind-body-spirit techniques?

Meet Catherine Miller
Catherine is a Four Directions Wellness holistic practitioner who offers Reiki, coaching and more!

Reiki Community
Are you certified in Reiki Level 2 or Reiki Master? Contact us to be part of the Community Reiki Initiative!

FDW Blog

Zebra Reader’s Choice
2017 to 2023

Alexandria Chamber of
Commerce’s Best in Business

Nominee for Heart of Del Ray

Del Ray Star Award
for Business

Affiliated with GW Center for Integrative Medicine