Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July to you, your family and friends!  As we head into this wonderful summer holiday, the Fourth of July holiday offers a reminder of our nation’s origins.  Right here in our nation’s capital, there abounds opportunities to explore the historical locations and sites of our founding fathers. As you view the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial or the Washington Monument, …

Yoga and Emotions - Four Directions Wellness

Yoga and Emotions

Twist. Inhale. Stretch. Exhale. Contort. Sweat. Inhale. Stretch deeper. Exhale. For many people who come to yoga, they come because they want a workout. They want to be more physically fit. Perhaps they were recommended to take yoga by their child, or a friend. Maybe they might even find a cute yoga partner, who may ask him or her on …

Getting Out Into the Great Outdoors - Four Directions Wellness

Getting out Into the Great Outdoors

Just last week on June 5th, nations around the globe joined together to recognize “World Environment Day.” A day dedicated to encouraging each person to get “with nature,” recognizing the interconnectedness between humans, plants, animals and the environment. And an opportunity to reconnect with the healing aspects of our world.  And the concept is not new.  Many ancient healing arts …

healthy eating outdoors

Want to Eat Healthy? Go Outdoors!

Nutrition is a cornerstone of our health. In many ways it determines how much energy we have, how well (or not) we engage socially with others around us [at home and at work], and how our bodies moderate stress and our immune functions. And, we also know that there’s nothing more nutritious than fresh fruits and vegetables that have been …