In every religion and in all ancient healing practices, one of the common themes is the practice of entering into silence…. How does that feel to you? Does the thought of entering into complete silence scare you? Do you think – “how do I even begin to become silent?” Or “no thanks – that’s not how I care to spend my time.” In …
Ancient Celtic Healing
If you do a Google search for druidry, you are as likely to find modern-day discussions of ancient Celtic healing practices as you are to learn the latest tactics for druid characters in an online video game or Dungeons & Dragons. There is as much mystique that surrounds the ancient Celts’ polytheistic priests as there is research being done and …
Anglo-Saxon Ancient Healing Practices
The Anglo-Saxons are German tribes that emigrated from northern Europe in the Middle Ages for the island of Great Britain. Their history spans seven, culture-rich centuries from the fifth century to the 12th century. During the reign of King Alfred in the latter half of the eighth century, he inspires learning and literacy like no other king before him. With …
Native American Healing Ceremonies
Thank you, Giver of Life, for all the life that was brought here before we arrived in this world. I thank Grandfather Sun for giving us our shadows because our shadows are direct representations of our ancestors who have gone before us. And, they follow us everywhere we go. They protect us. They guide us. So we thank Grandfather Sun …