The Practice of Silence

In every religion and in all ancient healing practices, one of the common themes is the practice of entering into silence....

How does that feel to you?  Does the thought of entering into complete silence scare you?  Do you think – “how do I even begin to become silent?”  Or “no thanks – that’s not how I care to spend my time.”  In our modern day life, it is almost impossible to enter into complete silence.  We have our TVs, computers, i-phones and more keeping our minds distracted.  And if you really shut all of that off, you are still likely to hear the air conditioning unit humming along or voices from outside or traffic.  It is truly hard to actually be in complete silence.

Yet, we know that spiritual leaders such as Jesus and Buddha went into silence, while fasting for days, seeking Universal guidance for their own direction.  The great spiritual leaders – even in modern day – know that the experience behind the eyes is more powerful than the experience in front of the eyes.

That is a very powerful statement. Does that resonate with you?  Is your internal world more powerful than the external world?  Are you able to receive direct guidance from the Universe or God or Spirit?  Or does your material world have more power over you?

The concept that internal energy, Universal energy, has more significance than the world that we see before our eyes, can be a shocking concept.  It sounds blasphemous.  Yet in a world where we are challenged to know what is truthful, rather than “fake news,” it requires us to seek our own Truth.  Find ways to become centered, and gain our own insights.  Discover, explore and make our own powerful decisions from the information download by the Universe.


The time to begin your personal mystical healing journey is now.  It begins with that first step of seeking to gain guidance from the Universe.  Of not being scared to enter into the silence.