Seven Key Principles of Ancient Hawaiian Healing

Seven Key Principles of Ancient Hawaiian Healing  Every culture has its own approach to living and healing.  No matter your culture or ethnic background, you too will discover that your family genealogy had ancient techniques to support the whole of the person – body, mind and spirit. Before there were physicians, hospitals and healthcare professionals, there were healers. You can journey …

Native American Healing

Native American Healing

As Arizona Public Media (APM) reported in 2015, Native American healing traditions are embraced by treatment facilities of a wide variety–drug rehabilitation, domestic violence, abuse and trauma centers, and more. As the APM “Native Healing” video describes, “[m]ore and more mental health and substance abuse treatment facilities are turning to traditional American Indian ceremonies and practices, yet researchers are still …


Curanderismo, the Traditional Healing of Mexican Culture

Nearly a millennium-and-a-half after the cultivation of corn in Mesoamerica, around 1,200 BCE, the Olmec civilization is founded. This thriving society gives rise to the first cities and evidence shows advanced surgical procedures such as trephination (to treat a wide range of ills such as epileptic seizure, brain swelling and blunt trauma to the head). The fall of Olmec leads …

Chakras: Yoga Wisdom for Managing Energy Centers

Chakras: Yoga Wisdom for Managing Energy Centers

In the yoga tradition, your body bases its fulfilling your healing and wellness maintenance needs on the use of a conceptual framework called chakras. Chakras have a long history within Hinduism and Buddhism with varying degrees of similarity to what is commonly understood of chakras in modernity. Chakras can be understood today in integrative medicine as metaphors for the energetic …

Healing Before American Revolution

Healing Before the American Revolution

If you have a chance to step back in time, one of the best places in the United States is located in Williamsburg, Virginia. Williamsburg offers a glimpse of the early start to colonization and of how we provided healing and healthcare before the American Revolution. If you visited the apothecary, you would have a chance to comprehend life before …

Jin Shin Jyutsu - The Japanese Art of Releasing Tension - Four Directions Wellness

Jin Shin Jyutsu: The Japanese Art of Releasing Tension

Harmony and balance are the hallmarks of health and wellness of our biological systems. The ancient Japanese understood this and developed healing practices that attempted to bring order when disharmony and imbalance, in the manifestations of stress, anxiety, and disease, affected people. One such ancient healing practice out of Japan is Jin Shin Jyutsu, an art designed to help release …