Mindfulness Mondays: Staying in the Present

Mindfulness Mondays happens every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at Four Directions Wellness.  At noon, people from the community join at the office for an hour of complimentary meditation and inner reflection.  All are welcome! This is Boring! As you were reading that first paragraph, you might have found that you were thinking – “this is boring.”  Or …

Solar Eclipse

Eclipsed by the Moon, Sun and Personal Enlightenment

Yesterday the Moon, 239,000 miles away, blocked from American’s view the Sun, just 92 million miles away! Did you see it? If so, you likely had the same reaction I did of being in complete awe. I was fascinated as the Moon passed over the Sun, blocking the sunlight, and then reverted back again almost in the blink of an …

Entering into the Silence…

“He who attempts to act and do things for others or for the world without deepening his own self-understanding, freedom, integrity and capacity to love, will not have anything to give others.”   Thomas Merton, Contemplation in a World of Action The other day I held a meditation group at the office. In advance of the group meeting, I planned …

Finding Your True North

Finding Your True North

Finding Your True North Finding Your True North Finding Your True North is connecting to our inner guidance, that part of our selves that possesses all of the wisdom and insights to guide us through life. Think back.  Take a moment to remember when you were growing up.  As a child, what was it that you wanted to do when you grew …

Coping with Chronic Illness

“In your quest to become as healthy as possible, may I suggest that you secure the best team of physicians that you can find; keep abreast of all new research related to your illness; find a yoga or meditation teacher to help you learn to balance and center yourself; explore and examine any and all spiritual issues related to healing …

Radical Self-Care for a Balanced Life - Four Directions Wellness

Radical Self-Care for a Balanced Life

Anne Lamott, the celebrated, quirky and funny writer of books on writing and spirituality, recently gave a TED talk entitled, “12 Truths I Learned from Life and Writing,” in which she spoke about something she called “radical self-care.” “While fixing and saving and trying to rescue is futile,” Lamott says, “radical self-care is quantum, and it radiates out from you …

Celebrating What Unites US

Celebrating What Unites US

Just two days ago, we came together as a country to celebrate what unites us.  People joined together for picnics, baseball games, apple pie and fireworks at dark to celebrate our nation’s birthday.  Many of us had our American flags flying, a poignant reminder of what brings us together and of what also originally brought our Founding Fathers together when …

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July to you, your family and friends!  As we head into this wonderful summer holiday, the Fourth of July holiday offers a reminder of our nation’s origins.  Right here in our nation’s capital, there abounds opportunities to explore the historical locations and sites of our founding fathers. As you view the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial or the Washington Monument, …

Yoga and Emotions - Four Directions Wellness

Yoga and Emotions

Twist. Inhale. Stretch. Exhale. Contort. Sweat. Inhale. Stretch deeper. Exhale. For many people who come to yoga, they come because they want a workout. They want to be more physically fit. Perhaps they were recommended to take yoga by their child, or a friend. Maybe they might even find a cute yoga partner, who may ask him or her on …

Reiki – Just For Today…

Reiki – Just for Today… The doctors had done all of their homework.  They had tried every approach known to traditional medicine but the young twenty-something male was not expected to live.  The doctors informed his mother that there was simply nothing more to be done.  An overdose of drugs had turned unfortunately fatal for a young aspiring person with …