The 1970s were the rebirth of the Kung Fu film and it spread its way to the United States, marked by the success of Hong Kong films, The Chinese Connection (f/k/a The Big Boss) (1971) and Fists of Fury (1972). Both starred Bruce Lee who brought the Kung Fu film appeal to the States. This unique resurgence of Kung Fu …
Healthy Meals for the Kids
Meals can feel like a struggle with children today. Kids are marketed to directly today via mobile devices, television and YouTube video advertising, and even with product placement in movies and cartoons. This creates a delicate tug-of-war between parents (you) and brands vying to get your kids to eat what you believe is best and foods they want to sell …
Coping with Chronic Illness
“In your quest to become as healthy as possible, may I suggest that you secure the best team of physicians that you can find; keep abreast of all new research related to your illness; find a yoga or meditation teacher to help you learn to balance and center yourself; explore and examine any and all spiritual issues related to healing …
Radical Self-Care for a Balanced Life
Anne Lamott, the celebrated, quirky and funny writer of books on writing and spirituality, recently gave a TED talk entitled, “12 Truths I Learned from Life and Writing,” in which she spoke about something she called “radical self-care.” “While fixing and saving and trying to rescue is futile,” Lamott says, “radical self-care is quantum, and it radiates out from you …
Getting out Into the Great Outdoors
Just last week on June 5th, nations around the globe joined together to recognize “World Environment Day.” A day dedicated to encouraging each person to get “with nature,” recognizing the interconnectedness between humans, plants, animals and the environment. And an opportunity to reconnect with the healing aspects of our world. And the concept is not new. Many ancient healing arts …
Want to Eat Healthy? Go Outdoors!
Nutrition is a cornerstone of our health. In many ways it determines how much energy we have, how well (or not) we engage socially with others around us [at home and at work], and how our bodies moderate stress and our immune functions. And, we also know that there’s nothing more nutritious than fresh fruits and vegetables that have been …
Let’s Talk Stress: On You and On Kids
Let’s Talk Stress: On You and On Kids When you hear the word “stress,” what impact does it have on you? Do you notice your nerves begin to feel frazzled? Does your heart begin to beat faster? Or maybe it has little to no impact on you. Yet most of us are experiencing various levels of stress throughout our day …
Getting Back to Basics
“I took out all of my teeth, Mara,” were the words that my 84-year old Uncle Butch said to me as he recounted his parachute jump from a plane that day. He had plastic teeth that would not have made the trip with him. So rather than fretting over it, he simply took them out and handed them to my …
Aromatherapy: Essential Oils 101
(This article was written as part of my training as a medical intuitive through the Institute of Applied Energetics. Aromatherapy Article) Aromatherapy, using essential oils, was my first experience into the realm of relaxation and learning how to lessen my stress level, making only a slight connection between the body, mind and spirit. I remember going with my mother for …