The other day my husband, Steve, declared that he was officially taking a break from TV reports, radio news and social media platforms. He needed a break, an opportunity to tune it all out for a while. He officially declared a sabbatical from all news outlets.
I liked his approach to a sabbatical. For centuries people and religions have encouraged a day of rest, an opportunity to stop working and reconnect with our higher purpose or spiritual belief. More recently, we know that people have utilized sabbaticals to take a break from years of employment. Their sabbaticals might be to travel the world, undergo new educational opportunities or to reinvent themselves.
It always strikes me that when a person has taken that leap, they seem to have gained a broader perspective and renewed energy for their lives. I know that I personally was able to enjoy a nine month sabbatical last year. I enjoyed delving very deeply into various healing modalities and took the leap to change my career. The whole experience was simply amazing!
Having said that, we also know that many people do not have the luxury to leave their jobs or take an extended sabbatical from family, loved ones and commitments. Yet there is wisdom in recognizing and incorporating “sabbaticals” into our lives. Maybe like my husband it is a sabbatical defined as eliminating news outlets. Or maybe instead it is a sabbatical from our outer world to explore our inner world through meditation, guided imagery or other relaxation technique. There are so many approaches to incorporating a sabbatical into your life.
Sabbatical Challenge:
So, I challenge you. How would you like to take a sabbatical? What would you eliminate? What would you include and for what timeframe?
Here are a few suggestions to help get you started:
- Eliminate TV, social media and/or technology for a period of time (a week, a month, etc);
- Recognize an hour every morning for your personal centering by meditating, practicing Yoga or reading;
- Dedicate a day to refrain from work and focus on yourself, and/or
- Take a week off from your usual day-to-day life to explore a new hobby, go on an adventure or spend quality time with a loved one.
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