Solar Eclipse

Eclipsed by the Moon, Sun and Personal Enlightenment

Yesterday the Moon, 239,000 miles away, blocked from American’s view the Sun, just 92 million miles away! Did you see it? If so, you likely had the same reaction I did of being in complete awe. I was fascinated as the Moon passed over the Sun, blocking the sunlight, and then reverted back again almost in the blink of an eye!

Of course, I do realize that eclipses happen frequently throughout the year. There are usually at least four eclipses in any given year. It was, however, an “American Eclipse.” It seemed to standout as being rather auspicious. It might be because it focused almost solely on the United States as it began its spectacular display on the West Coast in Madras, Oregon before finishing in Charleston, South Carolina. Or it might be because it feels as if things are changing almost at light speed anymore as we become more globally connected to others living on Planet Earth. This eclipse, as it crossed our entire country, seemed to signal that it is time to pay attention to the bigger picture!

Even prior to yesterday, it seemed as if many people were indicating that the Solar Eclipse would bring chaotic and devastating changes. Ironically though, many experts state that Solar Eclipses often signal positive changes that are forthcoming. And whether perceived as “negative” or “positive,” eclipses at the heart of their undertaking call on all of us to acknowledge the vastness of our Universe, the interconnectedness of EVERYTHING and the power within us to reflect what we wish to see in the world around us.


Solar Eclipse

The Universe Sends a Message: Are you listening?

The Symbolic Meaning of a Solar Eclipse:

Symbolically, or if you prefer metaphysically, the Sun represents the largest conductor of Light, of Spiritual Intelligence and Knowing. The Moon reflects our Intelligence as humans and the Earth signifies, in part, the world in human form. For a few minutes yesterday, the Moon (Human Intelligence) sent all of us a reminder that it can block Spiritual Intelligence or Guidance to us here in the physical world. Did you need that reminder?

If your answer is “yes” or even “maybe,” then I encourage you to explore the following questions:

  • Where have you been feeling blocked recently?
  • Where has your Mind and the Mind’s dramas or stories been getting in your way of Higher Guidance?
  • What is waiting within you to be created or manifested?
  • And what or how should you begin?

The Universe is asking that you connect directly with your life’s purpose and then start to take action!

Take time today or tomorrow to sit with each of these questions. See where the Mind has kept you from clear Intuitive Guidance from the Universe. Don’t let your Mind block it from you!

And as you contemplate the questions, remember it was the French philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, who stated, “we are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Lest we forget!