Getting to Know…YOU!

Do you remember the musical “The King and I?” If so, you likely remember the song “Getting to Know You.”  Remember?  The chorus sings “Getting to know you. Getting to know all about you. Getting to like you. Getting to hope you like me…”

Getting to know a person you just met, or even learning more about someone you have known for decades, offers us a chance to see that person through all of life’s ups and downs.  We seek information on their family of origin, where they live now, things of common interest and learning how life has taken him or her on a journey.  Some days, the person is on top of the world.  Other days, he or she might feel as if they just can’t catch a break.  We get to know them!

The same is really true for each of us personally.  Each person is continually growing, expanding and stretching.  Our experiences are constantly molding us.  We may not realize it but we are constantly changing, even when we don’t feel there is any change or evolution.

In the wonderful movie, “Runaway Bride,”Julia Roberts is engaged to several men but always runs away on her wedding day.  As she considers why she runs, she realizes that she really does not know herself all that well.  For instance, she can’t decide how she likes her eggs.  With each guy she dated, she would assume how he liked his eggs – scrambled, poached, sunny-side up, etc. To remedy the situation, Julia cooks all types of eggs and gives each a try.  In the end, she determines that Eggs Benedict is her favorite type of egg.

So how do you like your eggs?

Life’s Challenges Make Us Look Deeper:

For most of us, we begin to look internally when life throws us significant challenges that can’t be resolved externally.  The loss of a loved one, the loss of job, the diagnosis of a chronic illness, a search for a more meaningful life and so many other life challenges may draw us to being more introspective. The looming question of “who am I?”  This requires that we separate from the external messages of who we are — the societal views, our family and friend’s perspective, and so on.  Strip those away to find who is left standing at your very core.


Getting to Know…YOU

Where do you begin?

The best way to begin is to start with a journal.
  • Write whatever enters your mind and reflect on the issues, emotions and people that are prominent;
  • Pay attention to thoughts and issues as they creep into your head and write those down – no judgments on them but rather becoming aware of where your mind wanders;
  • Write down your dreams and pay attention to the themes and feeling that appear in your dreams;
  • List those things that you like;
  • List those things you really do not like;
  • Ask yourself what you are truly grateful for in this life;
  • Ask what needs to change in your life;
  • Watch and honestly record your motivations; and
  • Begin to delve into YOU!
Through this process, you gain insights into YOU.  Who are you really?  And more importantly, you begin your intuitive journey – connecting with your internal world and getting to know YOU better.