The World Turned Upside Down

In Lin-Mauel Miranda’s amazing Hamilton musical, he creatively takes our imagination back to a time of great turmoil as we collectively strived for our American independence.  It is far from easy as Miranda’s song “The World Turned Upside Down” alludes to the battles for our freedom.  Yet, once won, we begin the great American experiment of a new vision for a society, government and life of its citizens. A new government based on the ideals that “all men are created equal.” It is far from perfect but envisions a country representing the higher ideals of freedom, equality and independence as outlined by our Declaration of Independence

Our Founding Fathers Vision for the United States

When we think of our Declaration of Independence, it is sometimes as if we have forgotten its significance.  We have become so immune to the dynamic and transformational change that our founding fathers secured for us – our basic rights – that it feels as if we no longer grasp the transformational collective change of that era. 

Remember that those living in the 13 colonies were use to monarchies.  We were not use to thinking about our independence and ability to have a say in the direction of our country.  Our first president, George Washington, was so concerned that we would go back to our old thinking of pre-ordained leaders that he purposely resigned after his second term to encourage the concept and process of the citizens determining the next leader.

Age of Reason – The Mind

It was the Age of Reason or Enlightenment.  A time when people began to question authority and consider the facts rather than trusting others to tell them how to live life.  We focused on our minds. The ability to determine the impact by facts, figures and statistics on our beliefs.  During this time, the Christian religion modifies its concepts to focus on rational considerations.  And those who are closely aligned with “materialists” develop concepts stating that “the universe seemed to determine its own course without God’s intervention.”

With every new age, there are both the positive changes as well as the negative.  As a society, we moved further away from our intuitive connection to the world and our interconnectedness.  We transitioned to a concept of believing that we as humans were in control of others, of the animals, of our environment and that we are not intricately connected to one another or to all other living things.

The World Turned Upside Down – Part Two

Here we are today.  For 2018, many people have expressed a feeling of “unsettledness.”  We are living at a time of significant transition once again. Our mind and its focus on only that which we can reason through facts and figures is not providing the full story.  There is a world, a universe, that is full of mysteries and unknowns that can not be reasoned into a limiting societal construct.

Seeking to Stand for Our Truth

Our current authoritative structures and systems are undergoing transition – governmentsenvironmenthealthcarereligioneducationjudicial/civil rightsfinancial, etc.  This may feel scary yet it is calling for each of us to connect with our own inner Truth, our intuition and inner awareness to balance or equalize our Mind.  Both are important and necessary yet we have disconnected from our intuition and higher guidance. As a society, we have only paid lip-service to the sacred and spiritual.  We really don’t like to even mention those words. We have conveniently taken the sacred out of our vernacular, with lasting implications to our society.

Connecting to Your Intuition

It is important to incorporate back in our personal spiritual connection – in whatever way it can be personally manifested with integrity.  Our soul wants to be re-awakened and our world is badly in need of our enlightenment.  It does not require us returning to a religious institution – although our religions still hold important Truths.  It requires us to connect to our inner awareness, find our passion and spend time doing what our soul is seeking.  The lack of connection is impacting us – body, mind and soul.

Connecting with Intuition
Connecting with Intuition

This is also not simply about buying the latest essential oils, or saging our houses, or staying clear of those with “bad energy.”  It is a much deeper calling of our soul.  One that requires us to be held truly in integrity while recognizing mistakes happen and that we are all on a journey of learning.  The integrity comes from working on how we use are own power in the world, looking at our motivations and seeking to be in alignment with our intuition, our soul.

As we go through this next “revolution” of sorts, the more that we can equalize the mind and intuition and focus on our interconnectedness, the more we can find the solutions to transform our world in positive directions.  Who will be our next founding leaders to envision are new world experiment?  And are you prepared to let go of old ways of thinking to usher in the new vision?