Reiki – Just For Today…

Reiki – Just for Today…
The doctors had done all of their homework.  They had tried every approach known to traditional medicine but the young twenty-something male was not expected to live.  The doctors informed his mother that there was simply nothing more to be done.  An overdose of drugs had turned unfortunately fatal for a young aspiring person with so much more to offer this world.His mother, however, was undeterred.  A Reiki Master, she asked the doctors to continue their course of action while she orchestrated almost around the clock Reiki sessions for her son in the hospital.   Days went by with little indication that anything significant would change the current course.  Days fell into a couple of weeks until one day I heard that he had awakened from his coma.  To the relief of his family and friends, he recuperated fully and astonished the medical community with his significant turnaround.  Maybe it was only his mother that knew the power of this ancient Japanese healing method known as Reiki.

Reiki Just for Today

Offering Reiki at Four Directions Wellness

I was amazed too.  His Mom was part of a healing community and I along with several others had traveled for a visit and to participate in a Komyo Reiki Okuden training.   She had asked us if we would offer Reiki to her son and it was an honor to join with others in the offering.  On that particular evening, he was still in his coma.  There were no certainties of what might happen as the hours unfolded.  And I think it would be fair to state that those of us in attendance left with a mixture of feelings – sadness, despair, disbelief but also a good amount of his mother’s hope and faith.His Mom lived, walked and espoused the very teachings of Reiki. She had unwavering faith that Reiki would provide a positive change in her son’s circumstances.  And she was ultimately correct.  So what are the key Reiki principles first developed by its founder, Dr. Mikao Usui?

Just For Today…
Do not get angry
Do not worry
Show appreciation (or be thankful)
Work hard (or with diligence)
Be kind to yourself and others

A fairly simple, back-to-basics set of principles.  These key undertakings though can be difficult to live on a daily basis, especially in our hectic lives.  Yet, these principles have changed the dynamics of so many who have trained and incorporated Reiki into their lives.  Reiki is about integrity, constant learning and evaluating your life and most importantly, intention.  And then, Reiki teachings help individuals learn about healing and energy.

Give it a try.  Just for today…